Plastic Surgery Fellows
This page lists Artiste Plastic Surgery and Dr Jack Zoumaras fellows from Overseas and Home.
As an internationally recognised Facelift destination we have international visitors, observers and working fellows.
The fellowship lasts between 3 to 6 months and involves shadowing Dr Zoumaras and Artiste Plastic Surgery operations to learn the skills required to be a world class Facelift surgeon.
If you would like to enquire about a fellowship or other opportunities email

Plastic Surgery Fellow (Netherlands): January 2024-Current
Dr Nikki Beudeker is a trained Plastic and Reconsrtuctove Surgeon from Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Plastic Surgery Fellow (New Zealand): August 2023-January 2024.
Dr Paul Cheng is a trained Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon from Auckland, New Zealand. He joined us to further his post fellowship training in adavnced Facelift and facial plastic surgery.
Plastic Surgery Fellow (Phillipines): June 2023-August 2023.
Dr Mar Aristeo is a trained Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon from Manila, Phillipines. He joined us for three months to increase his knowledge and skill base in cosmetic surgery of the face.
Plastic Surgery Fellow (Australia): January 2023-July 2023.
Dr Puvesh Punj is a locally trained Plastic Surgeon from Adelaide, Australia. Puvesh loved his fellowship and living in Sydney so much he has re located his Family to Sydney and now works for Artiste Plastic Surgery.
Plastic Surgery Fellow (Germany): January 2022-July 2024.
Dr Max Hessenauer is a trained Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon from Munich, Germany. He was our inaugural fellow since the fellowship was founded in 2019 just before the world wide pandemic put a pause to operations.
Visiting Doctors
The following doctors have visited for extensive periods of time to observe facial plastic surgery. Dr Elidon Mici from Berlin, Germany. Dr Francesca Rannard from Sydney, Australia. Dr Yasser Alomran from London.