Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
As we age the vertical length of the lower eyelid elongates which is a sign of ageing and tiredeness. This can be due to fat protrusion, hollowing and loose skin/wrinkles (rhytids).
A lower eyelid blepharoplasty that removes excess fat, skin and lifts the eye shortens the lower eyelid length. It smooths the eye, eliminates some wrinkles, improve dark circles and removes fat bags.
A Trans-conjunctival approach to the lower eyelid allows access to the orbital septum, retaining ligament and fat, that all conspire to produce wrinkles, fat bags and shadows or dark circles around the lower eyelid region. This all without an external scar.
Fat can be removed or re-distributed along the tear trough depending on your anatomy. The septum and the ligament are released and lifted to allow a smoothing and brightening of the eyelid area. If skin excess remains a small incision under the eyelashes can be made to remove skin without disturbing the muscle. Therefore, minimising any postoperative risk of scleral show.
Fat Grafting
Structural and micro fat grafting if required, can be used to fill the hollowness around the lower orbit and complement a lower eyelid lift. Often the lower eyelid region is like a mountain range of peaks and troughs and the procedure involves removing fat and grafting fat to create a smooth lower eyelid.
A canthoplasty is used in every lower eyelid blepharoplasty to support the delicate eyelid structures during the healing process. Canthoplasty can be used to change the position of the lower eyelid if necessary.
Spacer Insertion
A spacer is often required during lower eyelid blepharoplasty when you have a negative vector. A negative vector is where the eyeball sits in front of the bony orbital rim (it usually sits behind). Such patients have a shortage of lower eyelid tissue relative to the bony orbit and insertion of a spacer augments the inner lamella (internal layers of the eyelid) to ensure the lower eyelid heals normally and the negative vector is not accentuated.
Mid Facelift
An extended lower eyelid blepharoplasty can lift the mid-face. This involves extending the lateral incision into crow’s feet wrinkles to lift the SMAS below the orbital margin. This is suitable in patients that have crow’s feet wrinkles to conceal the scar and in certain patients only. Often a formal facelift is required to lift this part of the face.
Dr. Zoumaras can make an assessment during your consultation if this can be suitable.
2 hr procedure
day or 1 night surgery
2 weeks unsociable​
Qualified facelift plastic surgeon:
- World-trained Dr Jack Zoumaras
- Qualified Anaesthetist, Accredited hospital
Results: Lifted eyelid-cheek junction. Removal of fat bags and blending of eyelid hollows.
Investment in yourself
Blepharoplasty has risks that include bleeding, asymmetry, lower eyelid malpostion and more
You will feel:
Model featured in photography
Cat eye surgery is possible and involves re-creating the corner of your eye through an advanced canthoplasty. This procedure needs a lot of consideration from both the Surgeon and patient because it will permanently change the shape of the eye.
The shape of your eyes will not change. In the early recovery phase, the canthoplasty is used to support your eye in a higher position so may appear tighter and higher. This will settle after 6 weeks.
You may return to work after one week for an upper eyelid blepharoplasty or after 2 weeks for a lower eyelid blepharoplasty.
You can apply eye make up after 10 days, once we give you clearance
It is expected to have bruising that can last up to 7 days for the upper eye and 14 days for the lower eye.
Yes doing it together will Open and brighten your eyes. You can even combine it with a Facelift, for ultimate overall results.
A canthoplasty is part of a blepharoplasty whereby the lateral ligament that supports the eyelids shape is tightened or changed. All patients at Artiste undergoing a blepharoplasty have a canthoplasty.
A Lower eyelid blepharoplasty smoothes the eyelid cheek junction and lifts the lower eye region.
An Upper Eyelid blepharoplasty is removing excess skin and fat from the upper eyelid to open up the eyes.
An upper eyelid blepharoplasty can be done under Local Anaesthetic.
You can drive after one week when the sutures are removed and the bruising and swelling begin to subside.
Your eyes will be blurry for the first 1-2 days because of an ointment used in surgery, to moisten your eye. Your eyes dry out during surgery due to the surgical lighting.
You can go for walks after 5 days and then jog after 10 days. Light exercise and running can commence after 4 weeks.
Eyelid surgery recovery is two weeks in general. For the upper eyelid recovery can be expected after 7 days. For the lower eyelid this can vary between 14-21 days.
Lower Eyelid blepharoplasty is day surgery and it is expected that you have 7-10 days of downtime.
Upper Eyelid blepharoplasty is day surgery, it is expected that you have 7 days of downtime.
A Blepharoplasty, Eyelid lift or eye surgery can be performed for the upper or the lower eye. Ptosis which is where the upper eyelid droops past the iris (coloured part of the eye) can be addressed at the same time, as can the brow which can contribute to a tired look. You can see with this many variables it is difficult to give you an accurate estimate of how much a blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery will cost in Sydney.
Medicare rebates may be possible if you have what is called dermatochalasis which is excess eyelid skin that affects vision.
Eyelid surgery in Sydney by Dr Jack Zoumaras will cost between $10-20K for the surgical fee alone. There are some in rooms options for select patients.
At Artiste Plastic Surgery we call eyelid surgery Open eyes as this is the end result for our lovely patients.
Blepharoplasty is surgery, and all surgery has the risk of short-term or long-term complications. A full list of potential complications and the response plan of action will be outlined during your consultation.
Many Asian upper eyelids lack a natural lid fold (sulcus). Part of the blepharoplasty procedure is the creation of this eyelid crease. At Artiste Plastic Surgery, we believe it is important to create this lid fold, but not to overly westernise the Asian eyelid. Dr Zoumaras can give you more information about this technique during your consultation.
With any assessment of the eyelid region, the position of the brow is important. Sometimes with brow ptosis (descent), the effect on the upper eyelid is dramatic. For some patients, a simple brow elevation will correct the deformity, and no eyelid surgery will be needed. Dr Zoumaras carefully assesses the brow and eyelid region to determine the best approach.
Having had refractive or another eye surgery does not necessarily disqualify you from eyelid surgery, but you should inform Dr Zoumaras so that the appropriate precautions can be taken. With consultation with and approval from your ophthalmologist, a very conservative operation will be undertaken to your eyelid region.
You will be required to remove your contact lenses before the surgery and use eye drops to help moisturise your eyes. You will also be required to avoid wearing contact lenses for the first two weeks after surgery.
Non-surgical treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections or dermal fillers may be used to reduce wrinkles or improve fullness around the eyes. These are sometimes combined with eyelid surgery to more fully rejuvenate the eyes.